• All-in-one 0.9kg

    25,36  20,29 

All-in-one is an organic fertilizer with a high concentration of NPK, essential for the optimal development of organic crops, derived from high-quality plant and animal material, obtained through controlled fermentation, for a balanced nutrition of organic crops.

The nutritional balance of the nutrients and the granulated presentation of the product improve the level of absorption and assimilation. It activates the metabolism of each cell of the plant, improving photosynthesis and the plant’s ability to absorb mineral elements through the roots. This formulation contains specific amino acids and selected bio-nutritional activators that improve the quality and quantity of crops. This product has a high content of organic matter and humic substances, which have a beneficial effect on the physical, chemical and biological properties of the soil, improving the root development of the plant and the absorption of nutrients.


Product gr/L 50 L bag
All-in One 6gr 300gr

Additional dosages

Crop Dosage Time of application Effects
Vegetables 1.5-2.0 t/ha Throughout the entire crop cycle. •Rapid-release NPK root fertilizer
•Provides calcium, magnesium and iron
•Improves soil fertility
•Increases productivity
Citrus 2-3 kg/tree Throughout the entire crop cycle.
Fruit trees 2-3 kg/tree Throughout the entire crop cycle.
Subtropical 2-3 kg/tree Throughout the entire crop cycle.
Olive tree 2-3 kg/tree Throughout the entire crop cycle.
Vine 0.8 kg/irrigated vine
Throughout the entire crop cycle.
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