• Amino CCK 100ml

    18,49  14,79 
  • Amino CCK 250ml

    24,90  19,91 

Amino CCK is a liquid organic fertilizer based on amino acids extracted from vegetable proteins after undergoing a scrupulous selection method.

With Amino CCK, the absorption of micro and macro nutrients retained, blocked and immobilized in the soil is improved, it favors photosynthetic activity and provides the necessary energy in the most important and critical moments of vegetative development (germination, transplant, stress, flowering, setting and fattening)

The use of Amino CCK is of great help to the plant to overcome situations of stress and situations of great metabolic activity such as those that occur in the phases of sprouting, flowering and fruiting, etc.


It can be applied to all types of crops. It is easily absorbed by foliar application.


Foliar at 8ml/liter of water. Repeat treatment every 6-7 days.


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