• AQUAvalve 5 (9mm)

    35,01  28,01 

The AQUAvalve 5 is a core component of all AutoPot irrigation systems.

Once connected to a reservoir/tank of any size, it controls the flow of water from the reservoir/tank to the plants by mere gravitational pressure. No electricity, pumps or timers are required.

The AQUAvalve 5 is an exceptionally sensitive irrigation method. It allows water and/or nutrients to enter up to 20 mm of level and then closes. Only when the plant has consumed all the solution at its own pace does the float reopen to restart the cycle. Avoid having to guess what your plants need or program pumps and other devices.

With a new 5mm inlet, the AQUAvalve 5 is able to deliver more nutrients, with faster flow and refilling, minimising the risk of blockages. 

The AQUAvalve 5 requires the use of 9mm hoses and fittings. 

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