• Arcilla expandida 45 L H&G

    29,15  23,32 

Expanded clay from House&Garden with neutral pH, totally inert and porous. These expanded clay balls provide the perfect structure for the roots to develop.

In what type of cultivation can I use expanded clay?

Expanded clay can be used alone in hydroponic crops or as part of a mix, for example, with coco.

In hydroponics, we must use it by filling the pots to the top and planting the seeds or cuttings in rock clay plugs. It can be reused as many times as you want, cleaning the remains of the roots of the plants you have harvested.

Expanded clay specifications

Available in two sizes:

150 bags of 10 l./Pallet

42 bags of 45 l./Pallet

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Para que sirven las galletas