• Azorock 2kg Mycoterra

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Azorock is a 100% natural product that provides the soil with more than 70 minerals and trace elements, as well as microorganisms, key aspects for the generation of fertile soil. Azorock treats, recovers and improves the soil so that the plant can find what it needs to grow healthy and vigorously without the need for chemicals that impoverish the soil and destroy organic matter and microorganisms. It is about improving and remineralizing the soil and the plant, making it a product suitable for any type of organic cultivation.

Azorock is a completely natural, non-toxic product, free of unpleasant odor and pathogens, derived from igneous mineral rocks, rich in silica that improves the structure of cell walls. It has no incompatibilities, contraindications, or harmful side effects. As it is a 100% natural and non-toxic product, its use, even in massive doses, is never harmful.

Benefits of remineralizing soils with Azorock

  • It gradually provides important nutrients, and facilitates the absorption by plants of the nutrients contained in the soil.
  • It increases production. Healthier, more nutritious and higher quality products.
  • It is exceptionally rich in trace elements important for health.
  • It rebalances the pH of the soil.
  • It increases the nutritional reserve by bio-remineralising the soil.
  • It increases the activity of microorganisms and stimulates microbial life by creating ideal development conditions for aerobic bacteria, very useful in the decomposition of plant and organic waste.
  • It controls soil erosion through better development of cultivated plants and increased organic matter.
  • It increases the resistance of plants to the action of insects and diseases thanks to silica dioxide (SiO2), a natural insect repellent.
  • It retains nitrogen in the soil by preventing its dissolution.
  • It is a soil structuring agent. It increases resistance to drought and retains moisture due to the hygroscopic characteristics of its micronised structure. It increases frost resistance because it protects the roots and contributes to warming the soil.
  • It eliminates the dependence on chemical fertilizers, the production of which requires high energy consumption

Application and dosage: The most common way of incorporating it is by applying it directly to the ground, and it is advisable to carry out a superficial burial task.

Large crops: 1000 to 3000 kg per hectare depending on the crop, type of soil, production objective, etc.

Orchards and small gardens: to prepare new orchards, apply 300 grams per square meter and mix thoroughly on top (5-7 cm of soil). For new transplants, add 5 grams per hole, mix into the soil and water well. To feed established plants, apply 10 to 20 grams, depending on plant size and desired growth rate, once a month during the growth phase.

Outdoor Containers: For new plantings, add 30 to 50 grams per liter of substrate and mix well. To feed established plants, apply 20 grams per liter of substrate to the soil surface once a month during the growing season.


gr/L 50 L bag 
30-50 gr 1.5-2.5 kg

It is advisable to always add it together with organic matter (worm humus, seaweed bokashi) as it contains organic colloids and also apply with microorganisms, as they help release minerals.

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