• Bio Down 250 ml

    7,23  5,78 
  • Bio Down 5 l

    98,82  79,05 

Bio·pH- is a 100% organic aqueous solution, made from citric acid found naturally in citrus fruits such as lemons.

Correcting the pH naturally is essential for plants to absorb the greatest amount of nutrients. The natural formulation of Bio·pH- allows for quick pH adjustment in any type of treatment and crop, without damaging the microorganisms in the substrate.

It has been designed to work perfectly with Biobizz nutrients and can be used in every irrigation. It can be used during both the vegetative and flowering periods.

How to use Bio pH-?

  1. Mix Biobizz nutrients at the recommended dosage in the Grow Program.
  2. Measure the pH of the mixture.
  3. Apply the recommended amount of Bio pH+ or Bio pH-, stir for 10 seconds and measure the pH again.
  4. If further pH adjustment is necessary, repeat the previous step until the optimal pH range of 6.2-6.3 is reached.

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