• Bio-Eco Chelate

    22,53  18,03 

Bio-Eco Chelate is a fertilizer that contains manganese, zinc and iron chelated with polycarboxylic acids. Its function is to correct the deficiency of manganese and zinc, promoting root development, flowering and fruiting of the plant.

It is a product that is easily assimilated by plants and a good transporter of metal ions. It does not contain nitrogen, making it ideal for use in crops with excess fertilizer.


It is recommended for the prevention and treatment of zinc, manganese and iron deficiencies in all types of crops, both indoors and outdoors.

It is recommended to apply in the early stages of flowering, or when there is a deficiency of manganese, zinc and iron. It can be applied either by foliar application or by irrigation.


-Foliar: 4ml/litre, once every 10 days.

-Irrigation: 4ml/litre, once a week as needed.


Manganese (Mn): 4%

Zinc (Zn): 4%

Iron: 1%

Chelating agent: Polycarboxylic acids.


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