Flowering enhancer based on phosphorus and potassium, also including elements such as magnesium and calcium. Ensures that the flowers fatten correctly so that the plant offers its full potential.
Phosphorus is responsible for boosting the growth and health of plants, being essential for the transfer of energy and sugars.
Potassium stimulates the arrival of sugars to the tissues and their segregation, facilitating their creation and improving the quality of the harvest, while activating many enzymes that intervene in the creation of buds.
Flowering enhancer
- NPK 0-35-23 Mg 2 S 3
- Stimulates larger and better quality harvests
- Apply the last 3 weeks of flowering
- Dose week 1: 1 bag 100L water
- Dose week 2 and 3: 2 bags 100L water
- Apply with a base EC of 1.2