• Brutal Silica 5 L

    422,64  338,11 
  • Brutal Silica 200 ml

    29,84  23,87 

Orthosilicic acid (also known as mono-silicic acid) is a stimulant based on a stable form of silicon. Brutal Silica provides the plant with two completely different effects: regulation of nutrient absorption and mechanical protection against external aggressions (pests, diseases, adverse weather conditions). By its very nature, Brutal Silica has the property of self-regulating the humidity of the plant, especially the most superficial humidity, promoting a natural resistance of the plant against abiotic stress induced by high and low temperatures, drought, rain, wind or high concentrations of salts. The application of Brutal Silica exponentially increases the harvest as it increases the dry weight of the fruits and flowers and results in a greater amount of kilos per m².

What crops to use it with

Recommended for all horticultural crops, vineyards, fruit trees, olive trees, cereals and flowers. For use in soil, coco and hydro.


  • Foliar application: 0.3 to 0.5 ml per 1 litre of water, making several applications at times of greatest physiological demand.
  • Fertigation: 1 to 1.5 ml per 10 litres of water.

Apply to the reservoir/watering can before the rest of the fertilisers and dilute well.

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