• Brutal sucrox gram+ 5 L

    172,20  137,76 
  • Brutal sucrox gram+ 500 ml

    34,34  27,48 
  • Brutal Sucrox Gram+ 1 L

    50,43  40,34 

Brutal Sucrox Gram+ is a metabolic biostimulant formulated with carbohydrates, organic acids of plant origin and starch, which promotes the increase in the sugar content and transforms the water inside into heavy dough.

The application of Brutal Sucrox Gram+ during the last 15 days of the crop improves the compaction of the fruit and prevents weight loss during the drying process, keeping the organoleptic characteristics intact and enhancing its flavor.

How to use it?

Mix at a rate of 2 ml of Brutal Sucrox Gram+ per liter of irrigation water and apply twice a week during the last 15 days of the crop.

For better performance, apply Brutal Sucrox Gram+ in irrigation with water only, without other fertilizers.


  • K20: 2.00%
  • Total sugars: 81.00%
  • Density: 1.40 gr/c.c.
  • pH: 3.5-5.5
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