Large Bubblextractor 8 kg (49 x 44 x 80 cm) vdl
190,65 €152,52 € -
Bubblextractor small 5 kg (36 x 36 x 50 cm) vdl
145,14 €116,11 €Out of stock
Washing machine/agitator for obtaining by-products from medicinal and aromatic plants, such as resins, by using cold water and ice. It is an electric washing machine that allows you to get a homemade Ice-o-Lator quickly and easily.
You only need extraction meshes, cold water and your herb. Place the material inside the pyramidal meshes for Ice-O-Lator and introduce the meshes together with the ice and water inside the washing machine, program the machine for about 15 minutes. Once the preparation time has passed, empty the contents of the washing machine through the tube onto the extraction meshes to collect the trichomes or pollen that are trapped in the meshes. Thanks to the use of ice in its preparation, the result will be a much more concentrated resin.
Before starting the process, it is advisable to have the material in the freezer for half an hour or three quarters of an hour, so that the trichomes come off more easily.