• Bud XL 250 ml

    16,38  13,11 
  • Bud xl 1 l

    36,17  28,94 

Bud XL by House&Garden has the unique ability to use the sugars in the plant’s leaves as an enzyme and transport it to the flower or fruit. The fruit is sweeter and tastes better. In addition, Bud XL produces a larger and more resistant flower, more fruit and, consequently, a higher yield.


Start adding Bud XL when the first flowers appear. This way we can ensure that, during the flowering process, the plant’s energy is focused especially on the creation of flowers and fruits.

Dilute 1 ml per litre. Prepare your nutrient tank by adding water along with your favorite nutrient base. Once you have everything set up and adjusted, add the Bud XL. Then, adjust the pH level.

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