• Cal-Mag 9.46 L Emerald Harvest

    125,04  100,04 
  • Cal-Mag 0.95 L Emerald Harvest

    22,13  17,70 

Cal-Mag , is designed to nourish crops with extra calcium and magnesium and create the right conditions for abundant flowering and high yields.

It is suitable for all types of crops, but it is recommended for coco crops.

Calcium regulates growth and stimulates plant development, while magnesium is essential for the production of chlorophyll and also activates the enzymes that plants need to absorb nutrients.

Why use Cal-Mag?

  • Because it prevents calcium or magnesium deficiency in your plant.
  • It promotes chlorophyll production in your plants, to keep them green and healthy.
  • It activates the enzymes that help your plants absorb nutrients.
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