• CalMag 1l

    223,64  178,91 
  • CalMag 250 ml

    71,16  56,92 

CalMag is an all-in-one growth enhancer from Elite 91. It comes in a liquid formulation that features a concentration of multiple natural growth-stimulating components for your plants in both the vegetative and flowering stages.

Instructions for use

Use CalMag 2-3 times per week or with every feeding from the cutting growth phase through to the flush phase of your crops flowering cycle.

CalMag is suitable for all soil-based, soilless and hydroponic growing media and can be used in conjunction with any premium nutrient and/or fertilizer program.

Care must be taken when using Calmag on young or weak plants as nitrates, along with other nitrates in your base nutrient, can cause tip burn and stress. We recommend starting with a lower dosing rate and gradually working up to the full dosing rate based on your plant’s growth response.


Soil, Coco, Hydroponics:

– Standard Dosing Rate: 1ml – 2ml per 10 gallons

– Aggressive Dosing Rate: 3 – 4 ML per 10 gallons



0.5ml – 1ml per 10 gallons


1ml – 2ml per 10 gallons


2 ml – 3 ml per 10 gallons


Seedlings/Cuttings: Pre-soak your preferred growing medium in a nutrient solution using 0.5 ML – 2 ML per gallon of water along with a base nutrient and other additives to boost, protect and enhance plant growth.  Continue to use the same dosage to feed your new plants during the rooting phase.     


Foliar spray/treatment:

 – Standard dose: 1 ml to 2 ml per 3,785 liters

 – Aggressive dose: 3 ml per 3,785 liters

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