Capsanem is a biological control of several soil-dwelling or foliage-feeding pests.
This box contains 1.5 billion entomopathogenic nematodes in an inert carrier material.
86% Steinernema carpocapsae – 14% inert carrier material
Capsanem is used for the biological control of:
Lepidoptera – caterpillars
Coleoptera – larvae
Diptera – larvae
Mirid (Nesidiocoris tenuis)
Banana tiger
Mole crickets
The nematodes penetrate the pest and release a symbiotic bacteria into the body cavity. These bacteria convert the larval tissue into a food source, through which the nematodes feed, develop and reproduce. The host pest dies within a few hours or days after infection. The infected host acquires a yellow to brown color, but can still be difficult to observe, due to its rapid degradation in the growing medium or, as happens with foliar applications, because it falls to the ground.
This product does not include shipping. Please consult shipping costs.
Product on request: Check availability and specific shipping costs.