• Clean Light LED 230v VDL

    295,21  236,17 

The Clean Light LED is an air disinfection system that features a UV-C lamp, an ionizer, an air filter and a fan that controls the flow. It kills all types of fungal spores, bacteria and viruses found in the air. Disinfects and cleans the air up to 90% indoors. Low noise level and suitable for rooms up to 100 m³. Diseases can be prevented. Easy installation and maintenance.

Includes: Clean Light Air, Filter, Bulb and protective glasses.

UV-C disinfection

There are many fungicides on the market to combat fungi, both biological and chemical, and for curative or preventive use.

Remember that someone is going to consume these flowers and nobody wants to ingest or inhale fungi or fungicide residues. Even the most ecological fungicides partially eliminate terpenes from the plant. Ozonators also reduce the level of terpenes in the plant. For these reasons, among others, the use of Clean Light is recommended, as it is the cleanest and most respectful way of treating fungal diseases.


When using Clean Light LED, it is essential to use the glasses provided to avoid eye injuries.

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