• Coco A 20 L Plagron

    100,32  80,26 
  • Coco A 1 L Plagron

    11,44  9,15 

The Coco A&B combination is a highly concentrated mineral base fertiliser for use in the growth and flowering phases of the plant. This liquid fertiliser is easy to use and provides balanced fertilisation for optimum results. Cocos A&B was specially developed for cultivation in all types of coco-buffered substrates and is universally applicable.

Advantages of Cocos A & Cocos B

  • Contains easily absorbable nutrients within a wide pH range.
  • Does not produce crystallisation in the irrigation tank.
  • Balanced fertiliser for healthy, green plants.

Dosage and use

Add a maximum of 4 ml of Cocos A per 1 litre of water (1:250). For each dose of Cocos A, add the same amount of Cocos B. Use the combination of Cocos A and Cocos B in each irrigation.

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