• Basic Nutrient Controller

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The Basic Nutrient Controller is a system that automatically controls EC (fertilizer) and pH levels, ideal for hydroponic crops.

This controller allows you to continuously measure and automatically dose your liquid fertilizers, while regulating the pH in your tanks.

A very simple, precise and complete system, suitable for any irrigation system or application.

How to use the basic nutrient controller

The basic nutrient controller continuously measures pH and EC. Automatically and based on the reading it has made of both parameters, it doses the fertilizers that are added to the irrigation water using a peristaltic pump system.

Basic nutrient controller dosing flow rate

The dosing flow rate of each of the pumps is adjustable from 0 to 400 cc/h and from 0 to 7 lt/h independently. The equipment is prepared to dose in mixture preparation or parameter homogenization tanks.

The basic nutrient controller has 2 nutrient pumps (A and B) and a pH regulation pump.

Technical characteristics of the basic nutrient controller

  • Peristaltic pumps with adjustable flow rate from 0 to 400 cc/h
  • Automatic fertilization control by conductivity
  • Automatic pH control
  • pH measurement range from 0 to 14
  • Precision error of both measurements: 1%
  • pH probe included: Ref#672147
  • Conductivity probe with ATC included
  • Quick connections between equipment and probes
  • Independent ON/OFF switches per pump
  • pH regulation once the nutrients have been dosed fertilizers
  • Flow sensor for recirculation included: Ref#672033
  • Power supply: 230 V and 50/60 Hz
  • Suction kit and discharge fitting included for each pump
  • Maximum dosing pressure 1.5

What parts does the controller include?

The Controller has different elements that must be assembled according to the instructions for use that come with the device. The elements that you can find are:

  • pH & CE controller ProSystemAqua
  • pH probe
  • CE probe
  • pH probe holder
  • Ec connector cable
  • Suction and discharge tubes
  • Injectors
  • Supports
  • Wall plugs and screws for fixing
  • 1 plastic collector
  • Teflon roll

Product on request: Check availability and specific transport costs.

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