• Automatic pH controller

    310,58  248,46 

pH controller consisting of a proportional digital pH reduction dispenser of 0.30 l/h and an electrode for detecting the pH in the range 0-14, powered by 220v electrical voltage and low consumption.

The automatic pH controller is designed and prepared to regulate the required pH level in irrigation water, whatever the desired parameter. In this way, and in a completely automatic and independent manner, it will be responsible for dosing the product in proportion to the need by means of a simple prior regulation, in which we will indicate the level that we want to maintain in the water tank.

What does the automatic pH controller include?

This nutrient controller comes fully equipped for complete installation, including: pH electrode, suction and discharge fittings, suction and discharge tubes, pH7 solution and fixing bracket and screws.

Technical characteristics of the automatic pH controller

  • Peristaltic pump for regulation proportional to the pH signal
  • Automatic pH control
  • pH action range: 4-8
  • Sensitivity: 0.1 pH units
  • pH probe included. Model: SpH-1-S-1.5 (1.5 metre cable). BNC connector
  • 4-digit, 7-segment display
  • 3-position switch: Priming, On and Stand By
  • ON:OFF dosing method, adjustable set point
  • Calibration method: 1 point (pH 7)
  • Possibility of programming the pump to dose both acid and alkaline
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