• Tank 1000 liters/pallet

    249,97  199,97 


This Pallet tank is perfect for any type of harvest or cultivation due to its capacity to accumulate up to 1,000 liters of water in total safety.

What is this 1000L pallet tank made of?

It is made of plastic material on a wooden pallet and surrounded by an external metal frame (a structure similar to a cage) that gives it greater strength and durability.

What is the mechanism of the pallet tank?

The mechanism of this tank is very simple. It has a large access opening at the top. A drain port with a shut-off valve device is installed at the bottom.

You should use tanks with sufficient capacity depending on the number of plants

As plants grow, the pH and EC of the tank can change. Generally the pH will increase, as will the electrical conductivity. The smaller your tank, the more pronounced this difference will be. For example, if you have set the pH to 6 and the EC to 1.8 when you turn on the lights, when you turn off the lights your pH may be 6.3 and your EC may be 2.0.

As a general rule you should choose a tank that does not lose more than 20% of its total volume during a day (10% is even better). Experienced growers know that the larger the tank, the better. Larger tanks also stay cooler for longer.


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