• Double Max 8 ml cc

    7,63  6,10 

Double Max is an insecticide that acts by contact and ingestion, and can be applied foliarly. Very effective in the treatment of aphids, thrips, psylla, pras, bedbugs, green mosquitoes, other sucking insects, caterpillars, etc. It is also effective against red spiders and other tetranychid mites. It is a product that is respectful of bees and most auxiliary arthropods.

Double Max is an insecticide that is resistant to rain and high temperatures.

How to use

It can be applied at any time during the crop, including flowering.

  • Apply by spraying, diluting 0.1-0.8 ml of product per litre of water.
  • Apply by normal spraying.
  • It is advisable to wet the crop well.
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