• Enzym+ 250 ml

    26,75  21,40 
  • Enzym+ 100 ml

    16,91  13,53 
  • Enzyme+ 5l

    265,99  212,79 
  • Enzyme+ 20l

    893,90  715,12 
  • Enzyme+ 1 l

    67,34  53,87 

Enzym+ is a powerful blend of enzyme complexes. Enzym+ contains different classes of enzymes that have different functions. Enzym+ keeps the root surface clean, so the plant absorbs nutrients better. Enzym+ removes dead organic matter and root residues. Enzym+ transforms accumulated and saturated nutrient salts into plant-available nutrients and stabilizes the EC in the medium.

Enzym+ is a concentrated product (1:4000). Even at low dosages, Enzym+ keeps the medium and rhizosphere clean.

Advantages of Enzym+

  • Soil and cocos do not need to be replaced periodically
  • Keeps the root zone clean
  • Prevents the build-up and excess of nutrient salts
  • Stabilizes the EC of the medium
  • Use only once per irrigation cycle

Enzym+ composition

Enzym+ is made from a mixture of enzyme complexes reinforced with stabilizers. The enzyme complexes include beta-glucans and cellulose. The stabilizers ensure effective functioning of the enzymes and are also a nutrient for the plant. The enzymes are produced in a sterile environment, so any contamination with microbes or other elements is excluded.

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