• Frooting Power 0,325 kg

    43,12  34,50 
  • Frooting Power 1 kg

    114,16  91,33 

It is a flowering enhancer with a high phosphate content, which stimulates cell division. Frooting Power is applied only to healthy plants, as it is a very strong fertilizer. It is used in the 3rd and 4th weeks of flowering. And never together with another enhancer, only together with basic fertilizers.

Instructions for use:

  • Make sure that the water in your tank has an EC of 1.2.
  • 1 dose of 65g. For every 100 liters of nutrient solution in the last 3 and 4 weeks before harvest.
  • 2 doses of 130g. For every 100 liters of nutrient solution in the last 2 weeks before harvest.



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