• Generator 500 ml

    94,03  75,23 
  • Generator 1 l

    167,22  133,77 

Generator, is the next generation in additives. Crops have the ability to be selective in taking up minerals and trace elements. The relationship with the climatic conditions, the quality of the elements offered and the type of genetics give the plant this selective ability.

The Generator HY-PRO contains an ideal mix of trace elements. These elements can, in optimal doses, help crops grow more steadily and bear more fruits. These fruits themselves can use the newly created building blocks in the plant to grow larger and denser.

  • Stimulates maximum growth and flowering.

HY-PRO additives are highly concentrated. They contain mainly trace elements that are necessary and vital for plants. Like all HY-PRO products, the Generator recipe is formulated to be suitable for each soil or substrate.

  • Leaves no residue.

Always measure EC and pH before adding any additives. It is recommended to use the Generator with other HY-PRO products. Follow the user manual strictly. Overdose is possible.

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