• Green Sensation 100 ml

    30,75  24,60 
  • Green Sensation 5 l

    594,11  475,30 

Green Sensation is a powerful booster that you can use in every growing style and that allows you to achieve high yields. This product combines 4 positive effects in 1 bottle. Green Sensation improves flowering, resistance, soil and yield.

Advantages of Green Sensation

  • 4 effects in 1
  • Economical to use
  • High quality of final result and ingredients
  • Convenience

Dosage and use

Add 1 ml of Green Sensation per 1 litre of water (1:1000). After this, add the basic nutrient until the desired EC value is reached. Use this nutrient solution at every watering. This product has been specially developed for use from the 4th week of the flowering phase.

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