• Guerrilla Box Biotabs

    31,40  25,12 

Guerrilla Box will bring out the best in your plants. It can be used indoors and outdoors and is completely organic. Suitable for the guerrilla grower, for 5 large plants. Less work, better harvests. Let nature do the work for you.

This complete kit for the organic outdoor grower combines in one box a 500ml container of Guerrilla Juice liquid fertilizer and 20 Guerrilla Tabs tablets, the perfect dose for 5 large plants.

How to use it

Use 4 tablets per plant, burying them about 5 cm below the level of the substrate and then water the plants with a solution of 10 ml of Guerrilla Juice per liter of dechlorinated water per plant. From the fourth week, water with this solution once a week.


Slow-release organic fertilizer tablets. These tablets improve the soil by microbiological action while fertilizing the plant. The tablets are 10 grams and their NPK is 10-8-8.


Guerrilla Juice from Biotabs is an organic stimulant presented in liquid form and specially formulated for plants during both the growth and flowering phases.


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