• White Air Max pot (22 x 22 x 27 cm) (1 unit) (11 l)


Air-Max Pots are a new generation of “smart” containers that promote continuous natural root pruning through oxygen, stimulating horizontal branching as well as vertical branching.
All growers know the importance of root health and how it affects plant development. The root not only acts as a physical support for the plant, but also absorbs water and minerals to feed it. Root mass and the number of root capillaries are directly related to the size and yield of a plant. To get the most out of your plants, it is essential to understand what is happening. going to the root level.
The design of the Air Max Pot has been conceived to direct the roots towards the ventilated points, causing their dehydration
(air pruning), and as a response from the plant, creating new roots from the apical root (central root). These new roots are directed again
to the ventilated points where they are dehydrated and the process is repeated over and over again, creating a fibrous root system with thousands of absorption capillaries.
The Air Max Pot pots also have an anti-spiral system that prevents the roots from curling up on themselves causing
root asphyxiation. Air Max has internal profiles that direct the roots towards the ventilated points where air pruning takes place. The internal base of the pot also has a special design to prevent the roots from curling around the bottom.

Main features:

•• Creates a fibrous root system without spiraling.
•• Greater efficiency in the absorption of water and nutrients.
•• Two sizes available, 7 and 11 liters in black and white.
•• Increases plant growth and harvest.
•• Higher post-transplant success rate and greater plant health.


Tips for use
Fill the pot with substrate. When transplanting, you should hill up the plant so that the water is not in permanent contact with the stem. From this point, raise the level of the substrate towards the edges of the pot. In this way, the irrigation water will wet the entire root bulb and will not
overflow through the drainage holes.
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Para que sirven las galletas