Matrix circulator i 2.25″ (12 u)
14,42 €11,54 € -
Matrix circulator i 3″ (12 u)
21,27 €17,01 €
With this system, water and nutrients enter the circulator, hit the slope of the matrix, and are pushed out into eight sections of the labyrinth that have individual holes that drip water and nutrients onto the absorbent pad. The Circulator has two barbed nozzles to connect 1/4″ OD FloraTubing allowing you to automate the Matrix System.
Use the 2 1/4″ circulator with the 7.5″ and 9″ matrix.
Use the 3″ circulator with the 10.5″, 12.5″ and 1 5.5″ matrix.
Place the matrix pad on the surface of your plant, the matrix unit on top, press down, place the circulator in the center holes and connect your 1/4″ OD tubing to the circulator.
Now let your plants enjoy the benefits of a superior nutrient absorption system.