• Vanguard Hydroponics pH Meter

    22,35  17,88 

The Vanguard Hydroponics pH Meter allows us to make quick and accurate pH measurements in an easy way. In addition, this meter has ATC (automatic temperature compensation) to improve crop control.

How does the Vanguard Hydroponic pH meter work?

For proper handling, after placing the four batteries, we calibrate the Vanguard Hydroponic pH meter by submerging it in the pH4 liquid. A value will appear on the screen. With the screwdriver in the box, we will turn the screw on the back until the value is equal to 4.

After this calibration, we must introduce the probe into the water that we are going to water the crop with and the value will automatically appear. pH measurement on the screen.

The Vanguard Hydroponics pH meter allows us to carry out pH measurements which allows us to adapt it to the best range depending on the time of cultivation, since what we want is to achieve maximum nutrient absorption and avoid phytotoxicity.

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