Mohan Ram Auto
24,60 €19,68 €
Third generation autoflowering strain. Hybrid between a selected White Widow automatic strain from the R&D Department of Sweet Seeds® and a selected strain of the S.A.D. Sweet Afgani Delicious Auto variety.
74.4% indica, 22.5% sativa and 3.1% ruderlaris variety that offers yields between 425 and 550 g/m2 indoors and 40 to 180 g/plant outdoors. Its height is between 50 and 100 cm.
With Mohan Ram Auto you will taste sweet, fruity, fresh, floral and musky flavors and be able to experience relaxing effects.
You can get it in a pack of 3 with 1 additional free or in a pack of 5 with 2 more as a gift.
The packs of 25, 100 and 500 units are formats configured for exclusive sale to specialized stores and/or distributors, not intended for sale to end customers.