• Mycoplant Nitro 50 g Trabe

    129,15  103,32 
  • Mycoplant Nitro 20 g Trabe

    64,58  51,66 
    Out of stock

Mycoplant Nitro is a soil and root bacterial inoculant for all types of plant species. The product is of a powdery texture and is available as a standard mix or five times concentrated. The bacteria colonize the root surface and the immediate adjacent area called the “rhizosphere.” These well-researched “rhizobacteria” are known as “plant growth promoting rhizobacteria.” The bacteria fix atmospheric nitrogen in the soil and solubilise the bound phosphates to make them available to plants. They also produce plant growth hormones that stimulate root growth (Gibberellins and Cytokinins). Plants develop stronger roots and more nutrients are available. This leads to increased stress tolerance.

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