• Ona Kit breeze fan apple crumble 3,8 kg

    71,71  57,37 
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ONA Gel is a blend of essential oils that neutralize odor. Essential oils come from plants around the world and produce a natural odor neutralizer.

How to use

Open the ONA gel cap to disperse the ONA particles into the air and neutralize odors in the air. This results in a pleasant fragrance being left behind instead of odors occupying the room.

Kit includes

Ona Breeze Fan: 35 CFM fan; the smallest fan unit, found in an Ona gel container.

4L bucket of Ona Gel: Ona is a complex formula that uses essential technology to destroy a broad spectrum of organic and non-organic odors. It is environmentally safe. Ona uses Air Purification technology to create the most efficient distribution and dispersion systems for its products.

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