• Oxygenator o2 grow 250 l

  • Oxygenator o2 grow 80 l


The O2 Grow Oxygenator is an oxygenation system that provides up to 50% more oxygen to the water.

There are two ways to increase the level of dissolved oxygen in the water, aeration and electrolysis. The big difference between the two is the level of saturation that can be achieved with one or the other.

Hydrolytic electrolysis can produce 50% more dissolved oxygen than an air pump. The air pump takes ambient oxygen and introduces it into the nutrient solution tank through the air stones. The air bubbles float to the surface and are consumed (explode). Some of that oxygen stays in the water, but the level of dissolved oxygen will be limited to the level of oxygen in the air.

With the O2Grow Oxygenator, hydrogen and oxygen are separated at the molecular level. The electrolysis process creates nano bubbles. The hydrogen nano bubbles rise to the surface and are consumed, while the oxygen bubbles are absorbed into the water, saturating the nutrient solution with oxygen.

As this process creates oxygen molecules from the water itself, there is no limit to its production and higher levels of dissolved oxygen in water are achieved. Furthermore, electrolysis only consumes between 3 and 6 W and does not affect the temperature or pH of the water.

Increasing the levels of dissolved oxygen in the water will visibly increase production and benefit root development as nutrients are absorbed more quickly; Reduces root diseases such as Pythium that usually develop in oxygen-poor (anaerobic) environments.

Main features of the O2 Grow oxygenator:

  • They emit 50% more dissolved oxygen than air pumps
  • They do not heat the water like air pumps
  • They have no moving parts that can break
  • Low energy consumption (1 amp per hour)
  • They help maintain pH
  • They increase yields. Suitable for cloning, growth and flowering
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