• Pandora l 150 ml

    13,28  10,63 
  • Pandora l 75 ml

    7,50  6,00 

Pandora is a biofertilizer combo that works with a microbial set that enables a stable and synergistic microbiome where each of the microbial functions can complement each other. In this way, a microbiological balance is achieved that, once applied, is transferred to the rhizosphere of the plants to provide them with greater strength.

In this way, a positive effect is generated in the development and plant production of the same, from the implantation and the increase of the rhizospheric microbial concentration. With Pandora you guarantee high percentages of nutrition for your crop that ensure a significant increase in yields.

Pandora in liquid format contains the same beneficial microorganisms as Pandora powder, but in the following concentration:

  • Nocardiopsis alba 1.2×103 cfu/ml
  • Azospirillum brasilense 2×106 cfu/ml
  • Acinetobacter jhonsonII 1.2×106 cfu/ml
  • Acetobacter fabarum 1.2×106 cfu/ml
  • Candida boidinII 2×106 cfu/ml
  • Penicillium chrysogenum 6×103 cfu/ml
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