• Ph down 0.25 l

    7,06  5,65 
  • Ph down 0.5 l

    9,41  7,53 

When we include organic stimulants in our crops, it is important to make a pH correction to prevent the acids from eliminating all the particularities and benefits of the stimulants. PH Down is a nitric acid that will allow you to adjust your nutrient solution to the most suitable pH according to the substrate you are using. It also serves to remove bicarbonate in hard water.

How to use pH Down

If chemical fertilizers are used, the pH must be corrected once the fertilizers have been added, while if we are going to use stimulants, the pH must already be corrected.

To remove the bicarbonate, add pH Down until it reaches 5.2. Let the acid act until you see that the water has dropped to pH 3. With pH Up you can raise the pH level until you reach the desired level.


Use the product carefully as it is a strong acid that could cause serious burns if it comes into contact with the skin.

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