• Silicate 5 kg Terra Aquatica

    77,44  61,95 
  • Silicate 1 kg Terra Aquatica

    22,62  18,09 

Silicate (Mineral Magic) provides your plants with an extra supply of silicate in a natural and soluble form, so that it can be easily absorbed by the cells. It contains organic matter that has been biologically transformed over time as well as natural silicic acid clay.

Silicate powder with numerous benefits

When silicon is assimilated by the plant, it forms a natural defence against possible attacks by fungi, diseases or insects. In addition, it improves the plant’s activity when assimilating nutrients, so we will have crops with strong and resistant branches.

Silicate (Mineral Magic) also stabilises the pH and EC, so that plants grow in a much more suitable environment, thus stimulating

In addition, this product is capable of activating the microbiological life of the soil, benefiting the plants in their entirety.

Application of Silicate

It can be applied in different ways:

  1. Sprinkle a teaspoon (approximately 4g) at the base of each plant
  2. Dissolve 4g for each litre of nutrient solution
  3. Spray directly on the leaves, applying 4g of product for each litre of water

This product is also suitable for bioponic crops.

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