• 4Pot Pro System

    164,01  131,20 

Autopot is an on-demand irrigation system, meaning the plant absorbs water and nutrients just when it needs them.

As a fully automatic and reliable system, the Autopot allows gardeners to forget about their crops and feel confident about obtaining healthy plants and massive harvests.

4Pot Pro includes four propagation lids that, during the first few weeks, by covering the pots, generate the necessary humidity for the young plants to settle in the system. This humidity promotes efficient growth by creating a microenvironment close to the leaves of your plants.

The 4Pot Pro system includes:

  • 1x 47L tank, lid and 9mm eyelet
  • 1x 9mm golf filter
  • 4x 9mm T-connector
  • 2x 9mm cross connector
  • 2x 9mm inline taps
  • 4x 1Pot trays and lids
  • 4x 15L pots
  • 4x Propagation lids for 15L pots
  • 4x AQUAvalve5
  • 4x Root control discs
  • 4x Marix discs
  • 1x 4 metre length of 9mm tubing
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