• Sugar Royal 500 ml Plagron

    53,27  42,62 
  • Sugar Royal 100 ml Plagron

    20,48  16,38 

Plagron Sugar Royal is used in plant cultivation to enhance the natural flavour and taste of the final product. It is an addition to be used together with the basic nutrient. The natural processes of the plant during the flowering period will be supported and challenged by the use of Sugar Royal.

Advantages of Sugar Royal 

  • For better aroma and flavour.
  • Shortens the cultivation period.
  • Can be used as a foliar or root fertiliser.

Dosage and use

Shake well before use. Add a maximum of 1 ml of Sugar Royal per 1 litre of water (1:1000). Use this nutrient solution from the second week of growth every time you water the plants.

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