• Sugardaddy 10 l

    203,09  162,47 
  • Sugardaddy 1 l

    29,63  23,70 

SugarDaddy™ is a unique, mildly scented nutrient supplement formula. The exclusive combination of ingredients is designed for use at all stages of plant life: growth and flowering. During the seedling stage, SugarDaddy™ rapidly accelerates shoot growth and prepares plants for trouble-free transplanting. During flowering, it increases the plant’s own aromas and flavors.

During the vegetative stage, SugarDaddy™ achieves a strong plant structure, the key to successful final yield. SugarDaddy™ encourages the progression of all plant stages, limiting harmful stressors related to the transition. In addition, low nitrogen levels often found in flowering stage fertilizers are overcome by the use of SugarDaddy™ as the synthesis of carbohydrates, proteins and fats is achieved. This maintains vigorous growth rates, essential oil production and the aromatic value of flowers and fruits. It can be used with all Technaflora products or with any premium soluble fertilizer. SugarDaddy can be used in soil-based, soilless and hydroponic substrates.

Specifically, SugarDaddy contains carbohydrates in the form of sugars, mineral salts, vitamins, iron and all 20 amino acids required for protein synthesis in soluble form. SugarDaddy will complement the nutrient content of the plant. any fertilization program and will increase the absorption and benefit of all nutrients. Highly soluble and chemically stable, SugarDaddy will not associate with other nutrients in solution or “plug” the reservoir. It also does not alter electrical conductivity levels.

This product increases the flavour and aroma of fruit and flowering plants, benefits all stages of the plant growth cycle, limits stressors related to transition (cuttings, transplants, low nitrogen formulas…), improves microbial activity of gardening substrates and is especially beneficial during the reproductive stage, as carbohydrates provide a simple energy source and amino acids improve protein synthesis. It is suitable for use in hydroponic, soil and soilless gardens using a wide variety of substrates.

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