• Royalmix substrate 50L Plagron

    25,06  20,05 

Plagron Royalmix is a Plagron substrate containing fibres of various types and perlite, which provides lightness and oxygenation.

This soil substrate also contains worm humus. The abundant presence of Plagron worm humus ensures vigorous plant growth and greater water retention.

Plagron Royalmix contains a carefully selected blend of organic fertilisers that cover the nutritional needs of the plant throughout the entire cycle. The extraordinary thing about these Plagron fertilisers is that they are released at the very moment the plant needs them.

Royalmix is one of Plagron’s top-of-the-line products. Do not add feed for the first 6 weeks. Afterwards, probably fertilise, depending on the development of the plant. Water before use.

Specifications of Royalmix Plagron

  • Conductivity: 620-820 µS/cm
  • pH is 6.5-7.5
  • Contains: Worm humus
55 bags/pallet
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