• Thripor- L 2000 orius laevigatus (thrips larva)

    127,92  102,34 
    Out of stock
  • Thripor- L 500 orius laevigatus (thrips larva)

    62,61  50,09 

Belonging to the group of anthocorids, this predatory insect is used for biological control against thrips, but it can also feed on red spiders, whiteflies and aphids. This predatory bug feeds on both the rvae and the adults and once in the crop, the adults and nymphs pierce the larvae and adults of thrips with their mouthparts and suck out their contents. Thrips shrivel up after being eaten and are difficult to see in the crop.

How to use

  • Spread the product on the rock wool blocks or in application boxes (Dibox).
  • Apply 75-100 insects to establish the population and encourage mating.
  • Check that the material remains in the introduced place for at least a few days.
  • Use the label to indicate where you introduced the product.
  • Beneficial biological organisms have a very short life cycle, so storage will be 1 to 2 days.
  • Store at a temperature of 8-10ºC, in a dark place and horizontally.
  • Preventive application from the 1st week of flowering, introducing 10/m².

Product on request: Check availability and specific costs of transport.

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