• Tripack Dualpart Hard Water Finalpart

    21,62  17,29 

The Dualpart Hard Water Finalpart Tripack, contains:

Refc#781228 and Refc#781230

DualPart® is a mineral nutrient composed of two parts, DualPart® Grow and DualPart® Bloom. It is a new formula inspired by the latest advances in plant nutrition, a complete nutrient designed for fast-growing plants, whose needs change significantly during the growth and flowering phases.


Ripen® is a complete fertilizer for the final phase of the flowering cycle, formulated to accelerate ripening, as well as to improve the content of active ingredients. Composed of a mixture of mineral salts and buffers.


It is a product to lower the pH in the form of dry granules and is harmless, easy to handle and represents a great advantage over highly toxic acids. Once in the water it becomes a powerful pH reducer.

  • pH test kit
  • Instructions for use.
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