• Vita race 100 ml

    12,92  10,33 
  • Vita race 500 ml

    13,06  10,45 
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Vita Race is an iron spray for the growth phase and the first three weeks of the flowering phase. Iron is an important component of chlorophyll. It stimulates the process of chlorophyll photosynthesisand makes plants look healthy and green. The plant can therefore easily produce the energy for growth and flowering, which guarantees an optimal end result.

Advantages of Vita Race

  • Stimulates the production of chlorophyll.
  • Stimulates and accelerates growth and flowering.
  • Improves resistance

Dosage and use

Shake well before use. Add a maximum of 5 ml of Vita Race per 1 litre of water (1:200). Spray plants weekly with this nutrient solution, up to and including the third week of the flowering phase. For optimal results apply enough until the liquid drips from the leaves.

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