• Vitamax plus 500 ml

    20,25  16,20 
  • Vitamax plus 23 l

    484,57  387,66 
  • Vitamax plus 10 l

    212,99  170,39 
  • Vitamax plus 4 l

    94,29  75,44 
  • Vitamax plus 1 l

    31,41  25,13 

Vitamax Plus™ is a formula specially developed to promote better root development and increased growth of plants, flowers and fruits. It contains macro, micronutrients and a vitamin complex to increase development in the flowering stages, as well as reduce stress during transplantation and adverse weather conditions.

Vitamax Plus is used as part of the usual fertilization program and is recommended for use until the last 10 days of flowering (do not use it during the last 10 days). It is a formula recommended for use in hydroponic systems, DWC, NFT, etc.

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