• Samax 500 ml the hype company

  • Samax 250 ml the hype company


Samax is the supply of liquid silicon that your plants need to increase their healing capacity and avoid fungal diseases caused by high humidity, such as after pruning in mother plants. 

With a unique and exclusive formula that favors the appearance of trichomes, producing much heavier flowers. 

The silicon is installed in the vessels and under the epidermis reducing water evaporation, so that the plants are more resistant to periods of drought. It also works as an insulator, increasing the plant’s resistance to the cold. 

Samax makes your plant much more resistant as it prevents the penetration of the germ tubes and haustoria of fungi and deposits crystals that make the leaves unpleasant for chewing insects.

In addition, the presence of silicon protects against toxicities produced by excess nutrients such as manganese or aluminum.

Elite Range     

Products formulated to achieve exceptional levels of production and quality. An extra boost to help your plants reach their full potential.

A range for the most demanding grower.

Benefits of Samax 

  • Strengthens the cell wall of plants
  • Stimulates the production of trichomes
  • Healthier and more vigorous plants

Application of Samax 

Mix 0.5 ml/L in the irrigation solution or apply foliarly. It can be applied during all phases, but it is especially recommended at the beginning to harden and protect the plant when it is most vulnerable. 

From the appearance of the flowers, the application should be weekly via irrigation. 


  • Silicon dioxide (SIO2): 30.00 p/p

Physical-chemical characteristics

  • Appearance: blue liquid
  • pH: 8.5-10.5
  • Density: 1.17-1.21 gr/cc
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